Feeling funny!
There's a switch inside my head. This switch always puts me back into my default state no matter the conditions I'm in. I could be happy, sad, scared, drunk, or having fun but one flip of the switch and *click* away goes any sort of emotion I was previously experiencing. Maybe it's just a survival instinct. Maybe it's a curse. I don't know what it is. What I do know is that default state. The state in which I no longer feel anything, I stare past anything and calmly take in the absurdity of universe and reality and start to pointlessly drift in the space, only to snap out of it some time later and start feeling again. Maybe it's something like an autopilot mode. There's something very calming yet malicious in it that I maybe could feel something towards if I could feel at all. But deep inside, I've always taken comfort in it. Knowing that I'll never lose myself and know who and what I am. Still, it comes at a price. I haven't been able to apprec...