I had a little visit last night

 I had a strange dream last night.

I was walking down an empty wrote in the middle of a green field.

It looked like early morning, around 7 AM on a dark winter day or something.

The sun was barely lighting up the sky and I looked up.

I noticed a strange formation for clouds.

For one, a side of the formation was super lit by the sun, even tho the sun was barely up yet.

That side was glowing in a yellow-ish orange color.

However, weird darker-colored cones were protruding from the formation.

These cones looked like hurricanes that were slowly reaching towards the ground in an attempt to drill holes in them.

The cones were still so high in the sky.

Somehow in the span of few minutes, the shapes of the cones started to change.

By the time I could finally see them clearly, it looked like the cones were opening up and turning into multiple thinner and curly-looking cones.

Now I could see those cones were actually taking the shape of tentacles, like something you'd see attached to a sea creature.

I pulled out my phone and tried to capture its footage, but the camera couldn't focus properly.

After trying for some time, I could finally zoom on one of the groups of tentacles.

This one looked like it was moving more violently and there were dark spots on the tentacles.

It no longer looked like a cloud formation, but rather actual meaty tentacles that were live.

Like the steam and vapor cover had finally worn off and I could see what was under,

I was feeling shaky inside.

I didn't know what it was, but I could tell something wasn't right.

Like any other usual dream, the shape of the environment around me was quickly shifting.

I noticed some buildings springing from beneath the ground and rising up to the sky.

It was as if a set of invisible hands were quickly changing the scene decorations on a theatre stage and preparing for the next act.

With all the tall skyscrapers around me, I could no longer see the tentacles in the sky,

I tried finding an angle to continue recording from in between the skyscrapers.

I finally managed to run far enough to reach a less dense area, where I could finally see the sky up to a far distance over the horizon.

I could see that instead of the green fields I had seen before, there was an ocean lying behind those skyscrapers.

I looked up and there was nothing in the sky.

But in a very very far distance over the horizon, there was something much much larger than any of those massive skyscrapers around.

Splashing around in the ocean, moving its hands and tentacles around, he was towering towards the sky, taking over the view of the horizon.

It was him, just like I had imagined him.

It didn't take long for us to lock eyes.

I could see those eyes even from this distance.

I knew he had noticed me, because he slowly started pacing towards the area I was in, directly looking at me.

I tried to take a few more snapshots of him before noticing he was moving way too fast.

I didn't anticipate him closing the distance at such speeds, so I started to back away.

I turned around and started running towards the end of the road, where a city had appeared from beneath the waters.

I could see some shiny buildings and skyscrapers that were still wet from the water of the ocean.

The sun was now high in the sky and shined on the reflective surfaces of those glass-covered buildings.

I was running at a remarkable speed and managed to reach one of the tallest buildings in no time.

I zoomed up to the higher floors in a process which I have no memory of.

I stood by the window and looked over the horizon.

There was nothing.

I suddenly felt a burst of many different emotions inside.

It felt so peaceful, staring at the horizon while the sun was shining over me in complete silence.

But I also felt a great weight inside me.


I knew it was already over and nothing mattered anymore.

I knew I was in a state of dream and none of this was real.

I looked over the horizon for the last time before opening my eyes to the cloudy skies outside my window.

I sat on my bed for a few minutes and stared at the sky.


Maybe I shouldn't have run.

I'm tired of running.


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