How have you been doing lately?

I'm sure you've heard about the people that live in their mom's basement.

This group of people consists of those probably in their 20's or even 30's that refuse to leave the comfort of the nest and face the cruel world outside.

Maybe you currently belong in this group as well?

Yeah, I know.

It probably sounds a little harsh, but isn't reality always harsh?

Hey, I'm not judging tho.

I understand that in the current economy, no matter where you on located on this planet, there are some (or many, depending on your situation) benefits to doing this.

However, what if the roles were reversed?

What if you're an upstanding young person working multiple jobs, struggling to save up any money while your blood-sucking mother lives in your house?

A mother that refuses to get a job and make a single dime per month despite not shutting up about her "prestigious" education level (Language Bachelors in a no-name university) and "very high" IQ level (90) and how she should be a CEO or something, yet only spends time in front of the TV and on social media websites.

A mother that on top of being extremely delusional, is also incredibly picky and nosy, making comments on every single millisecond of your free time that you spend on anything that's interesting to you.

A mother that feeds on any drama that she can pull out of her ass at any second to make your day a living hell?

What if she claims that at least she cooks and cleans in your house but in reality, you do that yourself as well?

And what if you can't even give her a reality check as she considers any of your honest comments as blasphemy and disrespect?

Now, how many of you belong to this group?

I'm sure the answer would still be a considerable number of people, but probably significantly less than the people in the first group.

I'm one of the unfortunate ones in the second group, however, if you couldn't tell already.

Having already attempted to cut off this parasitic relationship, I left what I used to call "home" when I was 21.

This however wasn't the first time I was held accountable financially.

I was forced to start working when I was in the third year of high school to bring home some money.

This wasn't done to assist my mother with the living costs, however.

No, this was in fact our main source of income.

My mother's delusions didn't magically appear around this time.

It's just that she had run out of people that would spend money on her.

People that I had watched come and go for as far back as I can remember in my childhood, whom I'd rather not address right now.

In fact, she never had a stable job after her graduation from the university, decades ago.

Any job she had ever had in the past would last about a month when her exorbitant demands from her workplace would be rejected and she would just walk out or sometimes even get fired.

So there I was, in the last year of high school, suddenly having to work a job in a fast-food restaurant while studying.

While my mental state has been gradually deteriorating since my childhood, this event just sped it up by a considerable amount.

Then the deterioration spread to my scores as well and my last year of high school basically went to shit.

I didn't last long in that job after giving up under the pressure of demanding customers and a sick boss that probably should've been in jail for the way he treated his staff, both physically and mentally.

Of course, I was berated by my mother for quitting that job, so I had to completely give up higher education and get a full-time job.

What was the point anyway?

I couldn't afford college and I had absolutely nowhere to go outside this hell-hole I always called home because I virtually didn't get a single dime of what I was making myself.

So anyway, I got a 9 to 5 job in a printing company after barely graduating high school.

I was a graphic designer here.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention I grew up screwing around with Photoshop on our old-ass Pentium 4 computer my mom had put together over the years.

As a result, I've known Photoshop and a select few other graphic design pieces of software, but my hand drawing skills have always been terrible since childhood.

Anyway, back to the rest of the story.

After finding out my mother had slept with my boss and there was some sort of transaction in between them, I had no choice but to leave that job, which I was once again, berated for.

After this exact issue re-occurring a few more times, I decided I finally had enough and decided to skip town.

This was a scary thing to do, however, as 100% of all the money I had made during the past 2 years was in my mother's pockets and what goes in there, never comes out.

Regardless, I decided to take a leap of faith.

If this was a movie or TV show, this would probably be the turning point in the story where the character finally becomes successful and things take a turn for the best.

Unfortunately, this ain't a movie!

Not gonna lie, things got slightly better, at least for a while.

Of course, having to be financially independent can put some heavyweight on anyone, but it really wasn't that different for me.

If anything, at least now I would get to keep the money I worked for instead of giving it away to a leech who would use a tiny portion of my own money to provide some less-than-basic living conditions for me.

Between having to live in an apartment with 9 other 40-something-year-old adults because I couldn't afford to get my own place and having to have 2 different jobs to have some cash to save at the end of the month, life was now more manageable.

On top of everything else, now there was no one to constantly scream in my ears about the most insignificant things they could find and try to create drama to suck the life out of me.

Still, no matter how much I tried to cut down this relationship for good, my mother would never let go.

Her tone and behavior had suddenly changed, telling me there's nothing out there for me and I should just come back home.

I wasn't a fool.

I knew her mind games too well to fall for this trap.

I was never going back... never!

Life was only getting better until COVID hit.

Thank you for that China!

Yeah, so everything went to shit.

I lost one of my jobs because they couldn't afford all the staff and the other one just cut my pay in half.

Now I had to...

I just... you know what?

I'm sick of this.

I don't wanna write about this anymore.

I need something else to focus on.

Talk to you later!


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